
Camp & Retreat Rates
Single Cabin $110.00 / Night  - 6 cabins
Dining Hall / Patio $125.00 / Day  
Kitchen $110.00  
Swimming Pool/Picnic Shelter $185.00  5 hours / Must provide own lifeguard
Nurses Station/Cabin Bedroom  $40.00  
Picnic Shelter/Pines $110.00 Includes charcoal grill and has electricity

RESIDENTIAL CAMPS - 5 nights/15 meals / 2 Camper Scholarships will be given for 145+ member groups

Campers - $155.00 

Adult Counselors - $105.00  (Counselors price break is for 18 years or older)

Ice may be purchased for your family reunion, special event or camp store - $2.50 per bag! 

Camper/Motor home electric/water hook-up - $20.00 per day